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Using Logarithmic projections to represent ‘infinite’ domains.

Status: Draft Published for comment: Development ongoing

This basically a file note to ensure that the option to insert a ‘fish eye’ filter over any node edge representation of the Value/Prospect domain is taken into consideration – as a way to retain more data on screen, show more relationships but allow focus on specific areas of interest. To be able to see both the wood and the trees.

It would be a requirement that the distorted/blown up view would be obtained AFTER seing the one with an undistorted view.

This approach to be thought through in cobination with two related strategies (1) simply nt displaying small details until their area is enlarged (Like VOSViewer) and (2) Displaying the rank node when child nodes would be unreadable. Rank node to be sized as the su of the sizes of the children (recursively).

Can we see the wood for the Trees. Drowning in detail,  Seeing the bigger picture,

Logarithmic mapping acknowledgements to source:

Acknowledgement: See

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