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Intended to capture actual realistic examples (of co-developer interviews and or value stories) in the longer term, I will fill in here some of the notional examples included as illustrations in the main ‘Vision and Intent’ ‘position paper’.

I used the example of a painter and decorator with notional wants, needs and ultimately some social values as well. All of these needed to be teased out, before matching the decorator (who needs work) with either a person flipping their property for cash or a poorer person needing help with condensation and mould growth.

In case it’s not clear yet, the choice is left entirely to the contributor/decorator who is the client of the service. This is an information system to assist individuals who need information they can trust so that they can (‘do no harm’) – align their own impacts with their own values. As well as acting in a way that is proportionate and maximises societal benefits, emotionally and in human terms (even if they don’t always make more money in the short term).

I think I used the example of the rhino horn user with relationship and impotence anxiety problems. In this case some of the consumers may be unaware of the fact that their behaviours are contributing to the cruelty of the rhino trade and the extinction of the Rhinos themselves.

A similar story could be told about the practice of destroying sharks to make shark fin soup – which may involve the questionable practice of large numbers of sharks being ‘definned’ whilst still alive and then returned to the sea.

There are so many supposed stories that I know about by hearsay (the interplay between large capital aid (large dams) to the third world vs intermediate development aims, local/personal small scale assistance towards the independent means to livelihoods (particularly of disempowered women) and so on)…but I’d like some ‘real’ evidence based stories, ideally with an eye to the values they embody…The point about crowdsourcing and celebrating diversity is that there are many aspects of these issues which we need enlightenment on. The Crowdsourced database itself is not limited in bandwidth and provided the outcome can be expressed in human value terms, then we have an opportunity to make kinder, wiser choices by using it.

for example, the Rhino conservation / natural impotence medicines beliefs, traditions and behaviours are part of an eco system including the smugglers, their need for a stable and secure means to life and so on. Not to mention the fact that Viagra would be better solution for the purchaser…and so on.

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