Showing all Design Documentation
Using collapsible Taxonomies to represent/navigate ‘infinite’ domains.
Status: Published for comment:Development ongoing This post is a development of the text in the white paper ‘Design for Social Learning and Perspective taking’, quoted here below in itialics:- P08 Lucidity: Rollup/Drilldown (Zoom); Where practical, data will be categorised (e.g., in a hierarchy) allowing subcategories to be aggregated and displayed (‘rolled up’) in a simplified…
Using Logarithmic projections to represent ‘infinite’ domains.
Status: Draft Published for comment: Development ongoing This basically a file note to ensure that the option to insert a ‘fish eye’ filter over any node edge representation of the Value/Prospect domain is taken into consideration – as a way to retain more data on screen, show more relationships but allow focus on specific areas…